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Re: [eclipse-dev] Source builds with source code in the .zip files

Hi Jim,

The build scripts included in the source build downloads are mostly
pde-build generated for a specific build , and expect the directory


As a result, the paths in the generated feature build scripts would need to
be changed if compiling from a different directory structure.  The approach
you suggest is not incorrect, but may amount to a lot of work.  Also your
work would be overwritten if the scripts are regenerated by PDE-BUILD.  It
is possible that PDE-BUILD should be changed to produce something more
along the lines of what you describe.  However, I know they did go down
this path at one point and things became very confusing, very quickly.  I
suspect some of the PDE developers would have more insight.

The simplest solution may be to have a workspace organized so that it has
the structure described above, with the scripts copied into place.  It may
also prevent unwanted "surprises" to have the matching plugin and features
checked out for the scripts you have downloaded (tags in the fetch*.xml),
since they are generated for those specific versions.

Thanks for your feedback.

As an aside, I propose we move this discussion into the platform-releng-dev
and pde-dev discussion lists since we are getting into pretty specific


                      "Jim Sculley"                                                                                                     
                      <niceguy@abraxis.c        To:       <eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                                     
                      om>                       cc:                                                                                     
                      Sent by:                  Subject:  Re: [eclipse-dev] Source builds with source code in the .zip files            
                      07/13/2002 12:58                                                                                                  
                      Please respond to                                                                                                 

On Thursday 11 July 2002 02:55 pm, Dean Roberts wrote:
> Hi folks,
> As promised yesterday we have added a 2nd flavour of source build.  There
> is now a small zip that will fetch Java source code and resources from
> on to do the build and a larger zip that already contains
> all the Java source code.


> Please let us know about any problems you find.

Hmmmm.  If I have already checked out the Eclipse source into my Eclipse
workspace as separate projects for each feature/plugin, is there a way to
the source build scripts know about it?  I'm no Ant guru, but at first
it looks like the various scripts aren't set up to do that.

They all use '${install}/features' or '${install}/plugins' throughout,
doesn't seem to be compatible a workspace filled with separate projects for

each feature/plugin.

Would it be sufficient to replace those paths with the correct ones?  For
example, the 'compileSwt' task looks like this:

<target name="compileSwt" depends="init">
<!--  Compile dependencies require that the swt.jar be compiled first  -->
    <ant antfile="${install}/plugins/org.eclipse.swt.${ws}/build.xml"
         dir="${install}/plugins/org.eclipse.swt.${ws}" />
    <ant antfile="${install}/plugins/org.eclipse.swt.${ws}/build.xml"
         dir="${install}/plugins/org.eclipse.swt.${ws}" />

If (per instructions) I put the various scripts from the source build .zip
file in their own project (which in my case would put it alongside all the
feature/plugin projects checked out from CVS), and then changed the
compileSwt task so that it looked like:

<target name="compileSwt" depends="init">
<!--  Compile dependencies require that the swt.jar be compiled first  -->
    <ant antfile="../org.eclipse.swt.${ws}/build.xml"
         dir="../org.eclipse.swt.${ws}" />
    <ant antfile="../org.eclipse.swt.${ws}/build.xml"
         dir="../org.eclipse.swt.${ws}" />

Is this the correct approach?

My goal is to be able to fetch from CVS using Eclipse as opposed to Ant,
which provides very little feedback on what it is doing.  After fetching, I

want to use the other tasks (e.g. compile) in the 'build.xml' file to do
rest of the work.

I think I'm on the right track, but before I spend the time tweaking all
XML, I'd like a 'reality-check' from those more familiar with the build

Any help is appreciated,

Jim S.
eclipse-dev mailing list

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