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Re: [eclipse-dev] Please check the following chkpii errors


File 'toc.xml' in "org.eclipse.pde.ui_2.0.0/templates/help/" is a template
file. As such, it contains preprocessor expressions (including '&' char).
The file will become an XML file only after generation. The target xml file
will have the preprocessor lines stripped. Please exclude this file from


Dejan Glozic, Ph.D.
Application Development
IBM Canada Ltd.
Tel. 905 413-2745  T/L 969-2745
Fax. 905 413-4854

                    "Dean Roberts"                                                                                   
                    <Dean_Roberts@oti.c       To:     eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx                                        
                    om>                       cc:                                                                    
                    Sent by:                  Subject:     [eclipse-dev] Please check the following chkpii errors    
                    06/24/2002 11:40 AM                                                                              
                    Please respond to                                                                                

The following chkpii errors where generated for the I20020624 build.  This
tool checks for problems in NLS translatability and accessibility
compliance.  If the file should not be included in the check (because it
never makes it into a drop) please let me know so I can exclude it from
checking.  Otherwise please try to fix the error for the next drop.

If you have any questions please let me know.

        Core Team
        UI Team
        Update Team
        Platform SWT

Common errors to try and avoid with HTML are:
        Embedded style sections.  While this is allowed by HTML it messes
up the translation department.
        Missing Meta tag with charset.  Copy the meta tag from one of the
about.html files.
        FACE attribute should not be used in FONT tag.  While valid in HTML
this violates accessibility standards.  (It means the HTML will not honour
system fonts).

        PDE UI

        No Errors <yay>


#### xmlResults.log has been removed from this note on June 24 2002 by
Dejan Glozic
#### htmlResults.log has been removed from this note on June 24 2002 by
Dejan Glozic

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