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ecf-dev Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • [ecf-dev] New blog postings about ECF 3.4, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] fyi: Google wave team lead leaves Google for Facebook, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] OSGi REF 119 blog, Wim Jongman
  • [ecf-dev] ISharedObjectObjectContainer problem client side - SharedObjects not found, Robert Onslow
  • [ecf-dev] No ECF conference call 11.1.2010, next call: 11.8.2010, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] Starting the documentation project, Wim Jongman
  • [ecf-dev] Announcement: ECF 3.4 now available, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] Base64, Wim Jongman
  • [ecf-dev] ECF 3.4 Release...we're a go for Oct 29, 2010, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] RemoteService + Context, Radostin Surilov
  • [ecf-dev] Fwd: ECF 3.4 Release Review Declared Successful!, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] plan for ECF 3.4 final days, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] maven2 repository - not updated?, Peter Lauri
  • [ecf-dev] NoClassDefFoundError when using Remote Services, Peter Lauri
  • [ecf-dev] DistributedEventAdmin, Martin Petzold
  • [ecf-dev] r-osgi - Multiplexer must not be constructed from NULL primary endpoint, Martin Petzold
  • [ecf-dev] Remote Services over SSL?, Peter Lauri
  • [ecf-dev] question about remoteservice generic build, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] TwitterRemoteServiceTest failing in automated testing, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] struggles with egit/git, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] Please do not change .launch configs used by automated testing, Markus Alexander Kuppe
  • [ecf-dev] ECF remote services leaking threads, Bryan Hunt
  • [ecf-dev] Fwd: [ #16442] ECF Machine, Wim Jongman

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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