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Re: [ecf-dev] R-HEAD build failing

Hi Folks,

An update:   After lots of fussing, it seems that the R-HEAD build began failing on scp because Markus' shell account was accidently disabled [1].

Now that that's fixed, we are back to the R-HEAD build failing because of the original problem...i.e. an SHA-256 digest error like this:

Waiting for jobs to end
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: java.lang.SecurityException: SHA-256 digest error for org/apache/http/client/cache/HttpCacheEntry.class
    at org.eclipse.buckminster.runtime.BuckminsterException.fromMessage(
    at org.eclipse.buckminster.runtime.BuckminsterException.wrap(

It's our hypothesis that this is a problem with the pack200 that we are using (from Java *6* currently in the builder).    It's my hope that updating to either Java 7 or Java 8 will make this error go away, so we've asked the folks at OSU Open Source Lab to update the Java version on Jenkins to be Java 7 or Java 8 (it might need to be Java 7 based upon the OS that they are using there).

In any event, it's my hope that this will solve the pack200 error that we are getting above.   It's possible that it will not, but I'd rather not think about that now.  :).

Unfortunately, Neon M5 occurs on Feb 5 (3 days from now).   Since we can't contribute a build today (still Tuesday in US), it seems that we won't be able to contribute a new build for Neon M5.  

I don't want to do this, but if this issue can't be resolved we will likely have to withdraw from the Neon simultaneous release.  That's because packed repos are required for the Simultaneous Release.




On 1/24/2016 1:27 PM, Wim Jongman wrote:

We are getting OOM errors on the MaxPermGen space. That is the reason for the slow web ui.

I will see if I can crank this up.

On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 9:25 PM, Wim Jongman <wim.jongman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have been offline for a few days.

Sent from TypeApp

On Jan 21, 2016, at 20:52, Markus Alexander Kuppe < target=_blank>> wrote:
On 20.01.2016 06:55, Scott Lewis wrote:
I've been fussing with this R-HEAD...but when I put it back to the way things were for the successful build (without packing) I'm now seeing this exception on failed signing attempts: [ant] Queueing for signing ERROR: org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: /opt/hudson/tools/hudson.plugins.buckminster.BuckminsterInstallation/Buckminster_4.3/buckminster/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/27/1/.cp/org/eclipse/buckminster/jarprocessor/antscript/signing.ant:174: server indicated an error: scp: /home/data/users/mkuppe//home/data/httpd/download-staging.priv/rt/ecf: No such file or directory org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: /opt/hudson/tools/hudson.plugins.buckminster.BuckminsterInstallation/Buckminster_4.3/buckminster/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/27/1/.cp/org/eclipse/buckminster/jarprocessor/antscript/signing.ant:174: server indicated an error: scp: /home/data/users/mkuppe//home/data/httpd/download-staging.priv/rt/ecf: No such file or directory at org.eclipse.buckminster.ant.AntRunner.handleInvocationTargetException( at at at ... this appears to be saying that the path information on the Eclipse signing service is somehow munged up: indicated an error: scp: /home/data/users/mkuppe//home/data/httpd/download-staging.priv/rt/ecf: No such file or directory Thing is...afaik, I (nor no one) has messed with any of these paths in the jenkins project configs. It looks to me like perhaps there should be a space here: scp: /home/data/users/mkuppe/ /home/data/httpd/download-staging.priv/rt/ecf Where are these set, however? Any ideas (Markus?) as to why/how this would go wrong without config changes?
Hi Scott, I have no idea what's going on but the build versions its config on Github [1]. The revision history might give a clue of what has changed that broke the build. Cheers Markus [1]
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