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Re: [ecf-dev] {Disarmed} ECF and felix

Hi Markus

Thank you for your response.

I have now installed r_osgi,
its dependencies
  - ch.ethz.iks.r_osgi.remote_1.0.0.RC4_v20101029-1626
  - org.objectweb.asm.all

I am still getting the same error though (when I run against Felix) when I try to deploy my test.
As noted in my previous post, if I run against equinox then everything works just fine


On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 9:36 PM, Markus Alexander Kuppe <> wrote:
On 02/21/2011 11:18 AM, Ivanhoe Abrahams wrote:
> Hi all
> I finally had some time to try out the ECF4Felix set of bundles
> available on GitHub.
> Although it starts up just fine on Felix, my small test fails to start
> correctly on Felix
> I get the following error.
> [Felix Shell TUI] ERROR org.eclipse.ecf.identity -
> org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status[plugin=org.eclipse.ecf.identity;code=2001;message=Namespace
> cannot be
> null;severity4;exception=org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity.IDCreateException: Namespace
> cannot be null;children=[]]
> org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity.IDCreateException: Namespace cannot be null
>     at
> org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity.IDFactory.logAndThrow(
> If however I instruct pax-runner to use "--platform=equinox", then it
> works fine and I get the following output
> osgi> [Framework Event Dispatcher] DEBUG ecf.test - BundleEvent RESOLVED
> [JMDNS Discovery Thread] INFO -
> org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status[;code=1;message=serviceDiscovered:ignoring
> loopback ServiceReference:
> ServiceID[type=ServiceTypeID[typeName=_osgiservices._tcp.default._iana];location=osgiservices://*MailScanner
> Warnung: nummerische Links sind oftmals arglistig:*
> <;full=_osgiservices._tcp.default._iana@osgiservices://];severity1;exception=null;children=[>]]
> [Felix Shell TUI] DEBUG -
> ServiceEvent REGISTERED
> [Felix Shell TUI] DEBUG ecf.test - ServiceEvent REGISTERED
> [Framework Event Dispatcher] DEBUG ecf.test - BundleEvent STARTED
> My test is really simple...Below is the start method of my test bundle
>     public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
>         Hello hello = new HelloImpl();
>         Properties props = new Properties();
>         props.put(IDistributionConstants.SERVICE_EXPORTED_INTERFACES, "*");
>         props.put(IDistributionConstants.SERVICE_EXPORTED_CONFIGS,
> "ecf.r_osgi.peer");
>         context.registerService(Hello.class.getName(), hello, props);
>     }
> Any input would be appreciated.
> Ivanhoe

You sure the r-OSGi provider is even deployed? It's not part of the
pax-runner config.

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