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Re: [ecf-dev] Eclipse ECF machine

Hi Lance,

we aim around $1500. We could stretch it a bit but not much, say around 1800.

You are right about the rails. It is just that $250 seems so expensive
that It makes me say stupid things like that. I'm sorry.

best regards,


On Monday, August 30, 2010, Lance Albertson via RT <support@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Mon Aug 30 20:19:38 2010, wim.jongman@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> 16gigs memory and two processors. Low on the disk space...
>> We could get rid of a processor in favor of more disk?
>> Please let me know what you think.
> What price range are you aiming for? Perhaps I can come up with
> something better suited for you for the price you can afford. I spec out
> servers all the time.
>> PS
>> almost 20% of the cost is made out of rack rails. (I envision that the
>> system is inserted into the rack once and then removed once too, 5
>> years later. If you consider a startup I suggest the rackrailsing
>> business)
> You would be surprised how often you may need to take a machine out.
> Most of the time is related to some type of hardware fix or memory
> upgrade. Nothing is more irrating for us than poorly racked machines
> that are a pain to deal with. Its part of the investment of getting a
> realible server installed.
> --
> Lance Albertson
> Systems Administrator / Architect
> Open Source Lab

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