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[ecf-dev] Possible bug: XMPP message receiver does not include resource ID

Hi all,

I believe I have found a bug related to using XMPP with multiple logins
distiguished by resource ID.

In the class org.eclipse.ecf.internal.provider.xmpp.smack.ECFConnection,
method #sendMessage(ID, Message), line 321 (CVS revision 1.25), the
receiver of the XMPP message is set to username@host:

  final String userAtHost = rcvr.getUsernameAtHost();
  final Chat localChat = connection.createChat(userAtHost);

This seems to cause the XMPP messages to be sent to the user which
logged in last instead of the specific user which the message is
intended for. If I replace the line with:

  final String userAtHost = rcvr.getFQName();

the problem disappears. Can you confirm that this is indeed a bug?


Dipl.-Wirt.Inf. Jörg Rathlev        rathlev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Zentrum für Architektur und                    Fon: +49-40-42883-2306
Gestaltung von IT-Systemen (AGIS)              Fax: +49-40-42883-2303
MIN-Fakultät, Department Informatik            Sec: +49-40-42883-2413
Universität Hamburg

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