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[ecd-tools-wg] Eclipse Cloud Dev Tools- Nomination (Marketing/Brand Committee)

I will kick things off - I have spoken to Jonas Helming and would like to nominate him for the marketing committee. Jonas, I am assuming you are well known to most people, but as per below you'll need to send a short bio and position.

Participant members - Please discuss and consider nominating someone for these positions! We welcome your involvement, and the chance to help guide the working group directly is one of the benefits of your membership. If you would like more information or to discuss, please reach out to Brian or I.

Tim deBoer

On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 11:58 AM Zahra Fazli <zahra.fazli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The Eclipse Cloud Dev Tools Working Group Charter identifies the various committees that drive the facets of the working group for which there are elected positions to be filled.  In the case of Eclipse Cloud DevTools, the elected positions are for the Participant Member at the Steering Committee and Marketing and Brand Committee levels.  Please note that Strategic Members each have a representative appointed to the Committees.

Through this email, we are happy to announce the Eclipse Foundation will hold an election on behalf of the working group using the proposed timetable listed below. This mimics the process used by other working groups as well as the Eclipse Foundation itself for filling elected positions on our Board.  

All members are encouraged to consider nominating someone from a Participant Member (Insert Participant Members of the Working Group).  Additionally, self-nominations are more than welcome!.

The nomination period is now open and runs through August 13, 2021.

Nominations should be sent to this mailing list using the following subject line:

Eclipse Cloud Dev Tools- Nomination (Indicate Steering Committee or Marketing/ Brand Committee Level)

Once nominations are closed, we will inform the working group of the confirmed candidates standing.  Typically, we encourage all candidates to provide a short bio including their position statement.  At that point, we will distribute ballots via email to those eligible to vote.  The election process will follow the Eclipse “Single Transferable Vote” method, as defined in the Eclipse Foundation Bylaws.

The winning candidates will be announced on this mailing list shortly after the close of the election.

Election Schedule:

Call for Nominations:  July 26 - August 13, 2021

Announce Candidates Standing:   August 18, 2021

Ballot Distribution (Election):   August 20, 2021 - August 27, 2021

The following positions will be filled as part of this election:

Steering Committee:

One seat allocated to Participant Members 

Marketing and Brand Committee:

One seat allocated to Participant Members

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Best Regards,


-- Zahra Fazli

Membership Coordinator | Eclipse Foundation

Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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