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ecd-pmc Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20413] 78d2af792bab, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20412] 1799e75a0719, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20411] 7cf5895f2711, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20401] (go) afero 1.2.2, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] Committer election is now complete for Yukun Wang on Eclipse Theia, emo
  • [ecd-pmc] Committer election is now complete for Tim Etchells on Eclipse Codewind, emo
  • [ecd-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Tim Etchells on Eclipse Codewind, emo
  • [ecd-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Yukun Wang on Eclipse Theia, emo
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20357] code copied from project vscode 1.37.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20355] Code copied from VSCode, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20336] (node) Codewind 0. 3 - July10th2019 - chai-openapi-response-validator, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] New Project Proposal/Mentor Required: Eclipse Che4z, EMO EMO
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20172] Build-only dependencies: maven-shade-plugin 3.0.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] Committer Election for Tim Etchells on Eclipse Codewind has started, emo
  • [ecd-pmc] Committer Election for Yukun Wang on Eclipse Theia has started, emo
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20319] inversify 4.14.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20303] (node) Codewind 0.1 - June27th2019, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20173] openapi-generator version:4.0.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20171] Build-only dependencies: maven-compiler-plugin 3.5.1, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] Call today 2019-06-20, Delchev, Nedelcho
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20232] jQuery 3.4.1, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20231] js-yaml 3.13.1, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20191] Initial Contribution of Codewind's Open API Eclipse extension, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20183] Initial Contribution (move) of Codewind' s Open API VSCode extension, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] Committer election is now complete for Igor Vinokur on Eclipse Theia, emo
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20161] Code copied from vscode, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20145] (node) Codewind 0.1 - June10th2019, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] Committer election is now complete for Oleksii Kurinnyi on Eclipse Theia, emo
  • [ecd-pmc] Committer election is now complete for Roman Nikitenko on Eclipse Theia, emo
  • [ecd-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Oleksii Kurinnyi on Eclipse Theia, emo
  • [ecd-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Igor Vinokur on Eclipse Theia, emo
  • [ecd-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Roman Nikitenko on Eclipse Theia, emo
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20148] Initial Contribution of Codewind filewatchers, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20146] Copied code from project VSCode (as of 'af4221b'), emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20139] regular expressions and helper function copied from microsoft/ vscode 1.33.1, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20083] node-10-alpine, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] Fwd: EMO(ED) Approval required for Project Lead election for Georgi Pavlov on Eclipse Dirigible, EMO EMO
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20137] (node) validation 0.0.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20136] (node) tempest-ls-java-prof 19.3.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20135] (node) server-prototype 1.0.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20134] (node) performanceserver 1.0.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20133] (node) performance 0.1.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20132] (node) nodefolder 1.0.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20131] (node) microclimatetestnodejs 1.0.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20130] (node) microclimate-portal 1.0.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20129] (node) microclimate-ls-node-prof-vscode-client 0.1.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20128] (node) microclimate-ls-node-prof-theia-client 0.1.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20127] (node) microclimate-ls-node-prof-server 0.0.1, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20126] (node) microclimate-ls-node-prof 19.3.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20124] (node) microclimate-ls-java-prof-vscode-client 0.1.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20123] (node) loadrunner 1.0.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20122] (node) file-watcher 1.0.1, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20121] (node) eslint-plugin-microclimate-portal-eslint 0.0.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20120] (node) codewind-test 1.0.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20119] (node) codewind 0.1.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20118] (node) client-prototype 1.0.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] PMC Approval required for Project Lead election for Georgi Pavlov on Eclipse Dirigible, emo
  • [ecd-pmc] Committer Election for Oleksii Kurinnyi on Eclipse Theia has started, emo
  • [ecd-pmc] Committer Election for Igor Vinokur on Eclipse Theia has started, emo
  • [ecd-pmc] Committer Election for Roman Nikitenko on Eclipse Theia has started, emo
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20088] Code copied from project Microsoft/vscode version: 1.34.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20084] fsnotify-1.4.7 (go), emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20082] Icon configure.svg, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20081] Icon configure-inverse.svg, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20078] go-digest 1.0.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20074] cli@1.20.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20073] react-transition-group@2.9.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20072] react-scripts@3.0.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20071] redux@4.0.1, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20070] react-router-dom@4.3.1, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20069] redux-logger@3.0.6, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20068] react-redux@6.0.1, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20067] react-dom@16.8.6, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20066] redux-thunk@2.3.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20065] react-c3js@0.1.20, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20063] replace-in-file@4.1.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20062] query-string@6.5.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20060] proxyquire@2.1.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20059] requireindex@1.1.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20058] rewire@4.0.1, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20057] pem@1.14.2, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20056] sanitizer@0.1.3, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20055] simple-git@1.113.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20054] sinon@7.3.2, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20053] sinon-chai@3.3.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20052] nyc@14.1.1, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20049] source-map-support@0.5.12, emo-ip-team
  • [ecd-pmc] [CQ 20047] npm@6.9.0, emo-ip-team

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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