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[ecd-pmc] Project Lead election for Vincent Fugnitto on Eclipse Theia™

A project lead election for Vincent Fugnitto on project Eclipse Theia™
(ecd.theia) was started by Marc Dumais with this criteria:

In the spring of 2017, a group of developers from TypeFox delivered a first
drop of the Theia project, on GitHub. A group from Ericsson joined them and
helped support and improve the new FOSS project.

Vincent Fugnitto (Vince) joined us about a hear later, in June 2018, around
the same time the project was joining the Eclipse Foundation and became
Eclipse Theia. Since then, Vince has been one of the project's most active
committers and among the most helpful, e.g. helping adopters on GitHub issues
and the project discussion forum. He has been the main release engineer of
the project, doing most monthly releases in the last years. His good work has
been officially recognised, when Vince won the "Top Committer" award (across
all projects) at the Eclipse Community Awards 2021 [1]. See also the main
project repo contribution statistics, that I generated recently [2]. See also
this graph [3] that shows how amazingly consistent Vince's contribution to
this repo have been - it's almost a straight line.

I wanted to also mention that behind the scenes, Vince has been helping me
with many of my lead tasks, such as supporting fellow committers and other
contributors, with regards to the project's IP due diligence process (e.g.
offering guidance, opening numerous IP check tickets for the most complicated
cases, etc).

So, in short, Vincent has been leading by example since he joined Theia and
really cares about the project. 5 years later, he is the second most prolific
historic committer and the first, still active. I think it's time to
officially recognise what has been happening unofficially for a long time,
and so it is my pleasure to nominate Vincent Fignitto as a co-lead on Eclipse

[2]: Generated using "Gitstats". Results are approximative because we can't
perfectly map contributions from different names and or emails, that are from
the same person, for all cases. We have made an effort to do so for the main
[3]: Graph top Commits per author (Vince is the dark green line)

Eclipse Theia™ project committers can click the election link below to



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