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[ecd-pmc] Committer Election for Milan Melisik on Eclipse Che4z has started

A committer election for Milan Melisik on project Eclipse Che4z
(ecd.che.che4z) was started by Kostadin Uzunov with this criteria:

Milan (user milanmelisik) has been working with the Che4z team for some time
and recently opened a pull request (E4e release changes 1.5.0
#319( that
introduced a number of significant changes to Explorer for Endevor that
greatly improve the overall user experience.

Among the following improvements in this PR:
- Enhanced the filtering functionality for an Endevor inventory location. You
can now also apply filters by element type.
- Added the generate a sandbox/subsystem feature with a summary batch report
- Added the history view feature. You can now see the list of element
revisions and specific changes in every revision.
- Added the feature that enables you to view the C1MSGS1 Endevor batch report
as a result of the generate element action.
- Added the Token Authentication feature through PassTickets.
- Added the feature that enables you to edit the Endevor connection details.

The PR has been merged and as a result of his work, we were able to put out a
new release.

For these reasons and the long-term outlook for their involvement on the
team, it is my pleasure to nominate milanmelisik as a committer on Eclipse

Eclipse Che4z project committers can click the election link below to vote.



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