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[ecd-pmc] Committer Election for Martin Fleck on Eclipse Theia™ has started

A committer election for Martin Fleck on project Eclipse Theia™ (ecd.theia)
was started by Jonas Helming with this criteria:

Martin started contributing to Eclipse Theia™ almost half a year ago and
has made continuous contributions since then.
He contributed in a various area with a strong focus on bug fixes and quality
See here for a full list of his contributions:

In his current project assignment, we expect Martin to continue his
contributions. Furthermore, he has a good overview about relevant issues and
topics from the view point of projects adopting Theia.
Allowing him to become part of the core team and also contribute in the role
of a committer would strengthen our core development team.
For these reasons and the long-term outlook for their involvement on the
team, it is my pleasure to nominate Martin as a committer on Eclipse

Eclipse Theia™ project committers can click the election link below to



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