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[ecd-pmc] Committer Election for Leonid Baranov on Eclipse Che4z has started

A committer election for Leonid Baranov on project Eclipse Che4z
(ecd.che.che4z) was started by Tomas Cech with this criteria:

Leonid (lb891790) recently started contributing to the Eclipse Che4z team 1
year ago and has already made an impact on the project. He has addressed the
following bugs:

1.Copybook with Name in Quotes Not Recognized
2.TITLE Statement Not Allowed Before ID DIVISION
3.Resolve Coverity Issues
4.Fix REDEFINES clause for the same group
5.Change the extension initialization order
6.Fix copybook navigation
7.Fix tab key for suggestions

He has also implemented the following features and refactors:
1.Implementation for folder-based positive tests registry
2.Move unsupported files notification into problems console
3.Improve Semantic Analysis for Paragraphs
4.Add Language Features Support for Sections
5.Collect and return ranges of paragraphs
6.Extend LSP API
7.Create COBOL LS VSC extension public API
8.Customize TAB button
9.Support REDEFINES clause
10.Tune TAB functionality
11.Add analysis configuration
12.Create default config without logging an error
13.Update test suite with analysis config
14.Add an ability to enable/disable analysis features
15.Evaluate variable in the path settings
16.Allow paths for different types of copybooks
17.Fix configuration properties for dialects
18.Change path variable name and evaluation
19.Change naming for dialect path
20.Decrease classes dependency
21.Allow dsn and uss path for MAID and IDMS dialects
22.Allow evaluate variables for dsn and uss path
23.Clean COBOL ANTLR grammar

All the PRs have been merged and a new release put out as a result of all
this work. Leonid has a strong grasp of the architecture and features that
are in the runway. He has also responded to and opened a number of issues for
consideration in the repo.

For these reasons and the long-term outlook for their involvement on the
team, it is my pleasure to nominate Leonid as a committer on Eclipse Che4z.

Eclipse Che4z project committers can click the election link below to vote.



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