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[ecd-pmc] Project Lead election for Paul Maréchal on Eclipse Theia™

A project lead election for Paul Maréchal on project Eclipse Theia™
(ecd.theia) was started by Jonas Helming with this criteria:

I hereby want to nominate Pau Marechal to become co-lead of the Eclipse Theia
Paul has been very active on the project for 4 years, it is superfluous to
list his huge number of contributions in detail.
Paul has been contributing more than just code. Always striving towards
substantially improving the quality of the project, he takes care of
fundamental architectural evolution and refactoring. Furthermore, due to his
great technical insights, the extensive experience with Theia and clear
vision for the ecosystem and adopter community, he always provides valuable
and sophisticated input to short- mid- and long-term decisions.
Therefore, we strongly believe that Paul will be the perfect addition to the
team of project leads!

Eclipse Theia™ project committers can click the election link below to



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