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[ecd-pmc] Committer Election for Tina Kurian on Eclipse Che has started

A committer election for Tina Kurian on project Eclipse Che (ecd.che) was
started by Sergii Leshchenko with this criteria:

Tina Kurian recently started as a full-time employee on the Eclipse Che team
and has already made an impact on the project.

She hasn't made direct PRs against Che repositories, but
she did great bug fixes and improvements on DevWorkspace Operator end
which is extremely important on Eclipse Che since now we're moving Che to
DevWorkspace based on Devfile v2. So, please check her contributions:
- Clean up workspace resources when a workspace fails
- Invalid devfile should lead to failed workspace startup
- DevWorkspace should be failed when its pod has CrashLoopBackOff status
- Make DevWorkspace report its version better
- Get rid of Che Rest API sidecar
- Add readiness and liveness probe for controller and webhook server

For these reasons and the long-term outlook for their involvement on the
team, it is my pleasure to nominate Tina as a committer on Eclipse Che.

Eclipse Che project committers can click the election link below to vote.



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