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[ecd-pmc] Committer Election for Jonas Helming on Eclipse Theia has started

A committer election for Jonas Helming on project Eclipse Theia (ecd.theia)
was started by Vincent Fugnitto with this criteria:

Jonas Helming, working for EclipseSource, is an active member of the Eclipse
Theia community and has shown a significant interest in improving not only
the framework, but also downstream extensions and utility repositories. Jonas
has directly contributed to the Eclipse Theia framework, most notably to
improve the documentation which helps the community of both extenders and
adopters. He has also been active in the “generator-theia-extension"
repository by contributing bug fixes and introducing new extension templates.
He has been responsive and welcomes feedback for improving his contributions.
In addition, Jonas is also active in the community by authoring many
articles, tutorials, and presentations such as at EclipseCon.

Jonas has valuable modeling tools expertise and is a leading developer in
both the EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework) Cloud and GLSP areas and has helped
contributed to both Eclipse Theia and VS Code integrations. He has also
helped in the re-licensing and other tasks related to the (imminent) move
under Eclipse Theia, of a few key community repositories:

- theia-website [1]
- generator-theia-extension [2]
- vscode-builtin-extensions [3]

Here is a list of some notable contributions to key projects:


Eclipse Theia project committers can click the election link below to vote.



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