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[ecd-pmc] Committer Election for Katelyn Nienaber on Eclipse Che4z has started

A committer election for Katelyn Nienaber on project Eclipse Che4z
(ecd.che.che4z) was started by Zachariah Mullen with this criteria:

Katelyn Nienaber ( is an experienced
software engineer who has contribute a great deal to the Explorer for Endevor
project. She contributed unit tests to the project
( which
were previously lacking in the project. Moreover, the unit tests were created
in a way to test the integration with VS Code, rather than using mocks, which
will be most beneficial in the long run. She also activated strict type
checking in the code base
( which
greatly helps with code quality. Most recently she has worked on further code
refinement, namely addressing circular dependencies, and has been actively
reviewing other contributors' PRs. She is another person who brings a great
deal of knowledge from the Open Mainframe project and Zowe, and this will
greatly benefit the project as we get more users.

Eclipse Che4z project committers can click the election link below to vote.



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