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[ecd-pmc] Committer Election for Jonathan West on Eclipse Codewind has started

A committer election for Jonathan West on project Eclipse Codewind
(ecd.codewind) was started by Tim Etchells with this criteria:

Jonathan is the sole author of all 3 (!) of our file watcher libraries - and the "filewatcher"
packages under
His few pull requests on these repositories should be interpreted as proof of
the stability of his initial implementation, since this is one of our
critical components and yet we can't seem to break it. Recently, he
re-architected the filewatchers to support our new remote model -
Jonathan should be a committer so he can effectively manage the projects that
he has written all by himself!

In addition, Jonathan is highly active on our issues board and Slack, and has
a good understanding of the overall Codewind architecture. Giving him
committer permissions will help the rest of us with tagging and otherwise
managing issues.

Eclipse Codewind project committers can click the election link below to



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