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[ecd-pmc] Committer Election for Sarah Ishida on Eclipse Codewind has started

A committer election for Sarah Ishida on project Eclipse Codewind
(ecd.codewind) was started by Elson Yuen with this criteria:

Sarah has been very active on the Codewind project.  She is the primary
documentation contributor for the Codewind project.  She has produced a large
number of PRs to the project that not only provides brand new contents but
also improve the existing documentation. Her contribution to the project has
been covering different areas of the projects, including Eclipse IDE, VSCode,
main Codewind support as well as OpenAPI tools.  Having her as a contributor
to the project will benefit us on continue to improve the documentation of
Codewind which is currently area we still need a lot of work on.

List of PRs that has been submitted by Sarah can be found in:

Issues that Sarah has been involved in:

Eclipse Codewind project committers can click the election link below to



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