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[ecd-pmc] Committer Election for Vincent Fugnitto on Eclipse Theia has started

A committer election for Vincent Fugnitto on project Eclipse Theia
(ecd.theia) was started by Marc Dumais with this criteria:

Vincent is a relatively new open-source contributor, Eclipse Theia being his
first such project.  Despite that, he has demonstrated he had good
interactions with the community, had been responsive to feedback and making
improvements to his PRs during reviews and has been actively participating in
reviews of others contributions.

After only ~8 months, Vince already has contributed lots of UX-related fixes,
including many that make Theia's nicer to use, extend and develop, in the
long run: improvements to look-and-feel, configs, linting rules, keybindings
and more. For one seemingly minor such improvement, he has volunteered to
update the changelog for a couple of releases, picking additional recently
merged items, to be highlighted for all to see.

list of contributions:

of significance:

- keybindings widget:

- "Getting started" extension and widget:

Eclipse Theia project committers can click the election link below to vote.



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