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[ecd-pmc] Committer Election for Simon Marchi on Eclipse Theia has started

A committer election for Simon Marchi on project Eclipse Theia (ecd.theia)
was started by Marc Dumais with this criteria:

I would like to nominate Simon Marchi as an Eclipse Theia committer.

Simon is an experienced contributor to various OSS projects, such as Eclipse
CDT, and GDB, where he is currently a maintainer (equivalent to our

As an Eclipse Theia contributor, Simon has done the original version of
He contributed to @theia/cpp and @theia/cpp-debug, and various improvements
in areas like linting and logging.

Finally, worthy of mention, Simon has among the best documented commits in
this project, striking perfect balance between giving necessary context
information with just enough details about the commit, and making the repo
bigger to clone for everyone in the long run :) Type "git log" and see for

Full list of Simon's contributions:

Eclipse Theia project committers can click the election link below to vote.



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