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[ecd-pmc] MoM: 2018-05-24

May 24, 2018 - Gorkem, Steve, Nedelcho, Martin, Brad, Sven

·         Welcome to our new member project - Theia!

·         Gorkem, shared the current status of the integration of Theia in Che.

·         Martin showed interest on Theia project as well.

·         Sven gave a short overview about the project Theia, the plans and positioning.

·         Sven asked about eventual proposal of Sprotty project as part of ECD or Technology.

·         Brad raised the topic about the LSP set of projects and eventually they also to join the ECD.

·         Nedelcho stated that all the projects that are written by the ECD developers and used by the ECD projects mainly should go to ECD. This will give more and more power of the ECD itself for the Eclipse community as well as for the non-Eclipse developers.

·         Brad that the current situation is just a transition period - where the old WebIDE (GWT based) and the new one - Theia based can co-exist. This transition period will finish ones Theia matures in Che enough to become the one and only.

·         Gorkem and Sven gave an overview on the architecture how Theia is using the Che's workspace server. Also it was explained how the Theia front-end (TypeScript) is using the Theia backend (Node.js) in the Che environment (container).

·         Nedelcho was interested on the possibility of running Dirigible on top of Che's workspace server as e.g. BPM flavour or Orion as Node.js one. Gorkem explained that it is possible and in the near future will be even easier.

·         Gorkem and Sven explained the multi-tenancy approach and user and workspace isolation.

·         Steve and Sven shared the details on the early discussions about Orion and Theia integration.

·         Steve requested from Gorkem a demo of the current state of integration, which was accepted.



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