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Re: [ecd-pmc] Resolve CQ 15939

Hi Oliver,

First, thanks a lot for the exhaustive information about the BPMN/BPEL modelling toolsets and the willingness to share it and to further collaborate on that matter!
Let me give a bit more context of what we want to achieve in Dirigible with these tooling and engine integrations. First of all we provide a "frame" for the WebIDE and AppServer stack, where different component can be easily integrated - similar like Eclipse does for years, but for the Web/Cloud. Second, we would like to propose a "default" stack, containing all the needed components for a business application developer - database management, backend services scripting, user interface coding/modelling, mobile applications, entity data modelling and generation, etc... and of course workflows modelling and execution. Next important thing is that we promote the option for our users to build their own "stack" including only the components they have interest of e.g. use Ace or Monaco editors instead of Orion (no matter that the default one and the most integrated one is Orion), they can choose any of Rhino, Nashorn, V8 engines for JavaScript execution, etc.

Why we have chosen Flowable so far and is it the only possible option for us? We made this decision, because within the team we have knowledge of Activiti, which now "become" Flowable, we use it in some projects, there are also a huge community of users behind it, and we are at the end quite happy with it. It comes with a Web based BPMN Modeler, which is quite good option for us, because we may save efforts to implement something by ourselves. So, this was the path leading to the Oryx project, which is internally used by Flowable.

You say that you are using Apache ODE for BPEL and you are working on a modelling tool for it, then this sounds quite interesting ;) To have BPEL engine along with a BPEL modeller in Dirigible as an alternative to the BPMN, looks quite appealing for me.

I would propose to have an online meeting next week, to discuss it in more details and then to see how we can go further.
What do you think?


On 23.03.18, 9:43, "ecd-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Oliver Kopp" <ecd-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of> wrote:

    I EMO-IP from the CC until we have a result. Is that OK with you guys? :)
    > Following this strategy we would like to include the Flowable Modeler with
    > as less modifications as possible. It depends for its end from the Oryx
    > Editor [3] which has been forked from the Google Code repository to GitHub
    > and the license is changed to MIT.
    (The most updated mirror is, which did not modify
    anything, but shows the license switch. There are active developments
    going on, such as Gemsbok (, but
    still relying on Ext JS)
    > @Oliver, who is one of the contributors of Oryx project, can share more
    > information about the project status especially on the dependencies section
    > e.g. ExtJS usage, etc. Also it will be great to know whether there are other
    > alternatives for BPMN modelling in the browser that we can use in Dirigible.
    The code of Oryx heavily relies on Ext JS 2.0.2. There are 421 calls
    to "Ext.". It is a fundamental part of Oryx, so replacing is not easy.
    When preparing Winery for Eclipse in 2012 all our graphical modeling
    code was based on Oryx. Cloud Computing Topologies and Management
    plans. We evaluated alternatives
    - Oryx: unmaintained
    - - looking similar to Oryx, maintained, but non-free license,
    because it has to be linked back to ""
    - Eclipse Stardust - now archived
    - own implemention using jsPlumb
    We managed to rewrite the topology modeler part using jsplumb
    part of the initial code contribution; and are now working on
    an Angular port (nearly finished -->
    Regarding the BPMN part, we have a very restricted subset of BPMN
    working. The required subset has "scientifically" be developed: (full
    The paper shows the Oryx-based prototype :). The prototype was
    extended (
     ZTE (from China) reimplemented it using jsplumb and Angular
    This is a good start for a BPMN modeler, but far away from being
    complete. Oh, and we use JSON and not the standard XML format. We
    convert it to WS-BPEL for execution.
    Which elements do you need? Maybe, investing energy in that code would
    help both projects?
    Stepping back one more step:
    So, is Flowable a *must* or do is it possible to use something else?
    - Eclipse Stardust is a solid BPMN engine, which is currently
    archived, but maybe we can revive it? It was started in Germany and I
    know the lead architect.
    - We have a working toolchain of BPMN modeling, converting to BPEL and
    executing it on Apache ODE. Would that be another possibility?
    - We worked on integrating our modeler with the Camunda BPMN Engine.
    - In Eclipse.SOA, there are more workflow projects: Eclipse Java Workflow
    Tooling (JWT) is the only actively maintained.
    We would be happy if we could join forces in bringing one of the other
    options forward. We are most experienced in Apache ODE. - For a
    complete description of our system:
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