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[ecd-pmc] inclusion of CFT in Neon

PC Team,

as promised, here is my first content-heavy email to the group… :-)

I (in my role as PMC member of the ECD project) would like to bring forward the proposal to include the CFT (Cloud Foundry Tools) project in the Neon simultaneous release train.
I know that this is late in the game and I am sorry for that. I am asking for an approval for this exception.

The CFT project is relatively new to Eclipse, but has a long-standing history inside IBM and Pivotal. It already ships for quite some time as part of the Spring Tool Suite (from Pivotal) as well as some Bluemix Tools (from IBM), released regularly in the past, passed numerous iterations of release tests, etc.

We would like to include CFT in the train for the Neon release (as well as getting this into the JEE package, but that is a different proposal).

The CFT project is following the rules as described in the simultaneous release requirement ( JUnit tests are setup to run automatically as part of the build to verify the quality of each build.

The release plan and release review document have been created to document the fulfillment on some of those requirements:

IP Logs have been submitted (link ?).

In terms of milestone schedule, WTP is a +2 project. We would suggest the CFT project to be a +3 project since it has dependencies on WTP. The project leads have subscribed to the cross-project-issues-dev list in order to address issues regarding CFT and the sim-rel.

CFT also does:
- Eclipse Jar signing
- Specific Execution Environment for all bundles that contain Java code: JavaSE-1.7

In addition:

1. We are in the process of setting up a integration build in hudson that runs our Junits against Neon. Our automated integration tests cover the main features of CFT (e.g. publishing, starting, stopping applications, adding/deleting services) that integrate with WTP.

2. The latest milestone version of CFT are also built by Spring Tool Suite and BlueMix tools, both with undergo extensive testing and have automated regression tests. Spring Tool Suite builds on Neon.

3. CFT currently bundles third party jars as described here:

For technical reasons we have had to rely on specific snapshot version of a third party, non-Eclipse, library that provides the basis for all Cloud Foundry interactions for the tools, the Java Cloud Foundry client: cloudfoundry-client-lib. However, this version is specific to the tools and unlikely to be used by other components, as they have fixes specific to CFT. The risk of having duplicates for the snapshot version is low. For all other dependencies, we are moving towards consuming them from Orbit where possible. However, some dependencies are not available in Orbit, and to maintain correct behaviour of the client, we use very specific third parties dependencies for the cloudfoundry-client-lib, rather than try to use similar releases as available in Orbit.”

Please approve this for inclusion in the Neon Simultaneous Release.
If there is anything missing or should be changed, let me (and the project) now.

Bugs against CFT can be filed at:

Thanks a lot for your help!

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