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Re: [e4-dev] MDialog / MWizard will be removed in M5

This is all stuff - we the first adopters - have to figure out. IMHO those are similar to handled/direct toolbar/menuitems


Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 20.01.2014 um 20:36 schrieb Lars Vogel <lars.vogel@xxxxxxxxx>:

Not sure about the buttons on the the dialogs, for example popup dialogs would have no buttons, a message dialog one, a confirm two, etc.

So I think without additional configuration the renderer cannot decide that.

Best regards, Lars

Am 20.01.2014 19:16 schrieb "Tom Schindl" <tom.schindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Yes - on dialogs i'd expect buttons and on wizards previous/next.

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 20.01.2014 um 19:13 schrieb Wim Jongman <wim.jongman@xxxxxxxxx>:

They currently render like MWindow. Are they supposed to do something else?

Met vriendelijke groet,


On 20 jan. 2014, at 17:56, Tom Schindl <tom.schindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Did anyone implement the renderers for them? I'm going to work on them in the days to come for swt & efxclipse. If someone wants to do the swt ones i happy if it is not on me to push this.


Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 20.01.2014 um 16:28 schrieb Lars Vogel <lars.vogel@xxxxxxxxx>:

Hi Marc,

a CI Build of the e4 tools can be found here:  (p2 update site, stable link) or if you prefer you can use the official p2 update site which can be found on this webpage (NOT a p2 update site as the link sometimes changes):

Best regards, Lars

2014/1/20 Marc Teufel <teufel.marc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Okay, i am ready to " adopt " MDialog in my app now - just for a first user test. Where to start?

Where do I find the e4 tools and the sdk, can you just copy my the p2-urls ? would be fine.

Feedback as answer into this topic on the newsgroup or into a specific bug? if bug - which one?


2014/1/16 Wim Jongman <wim.jongman@xxxxxxxxx>

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 7:35 PM, Tom Schindl <tom.schindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Push it to master - I'm working on an impl so I hope we can keep those


On 16.01.14 17:53, Wim Jongman wrote:
> Here is the model change bug
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 5:25 PM, Wim Jongman <wim.jongman@xxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:wim.jongman@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>     I have added the MDialog and MWizardDialog in the model editor. This
>     allows folks to play with the new elements. I initially visualized
>     the MDialog to be an MContribution so that a pojo could be directly
>     added to the MDialog.
>     Since these elements are candidates for removal, how should I go
>     about the new code? Just push it to Gerrit and remove it when it
>     turns out MDialog and MWD do not make it?
>     Please advise
>     Inline image 1
>     On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 12:51 PM, Marc Teufel
>     <teufel.marc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:teufel.marc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>         +1 Wim
>         Just some intro or a simple example on a wikipage (or something
>         like that) to get the ball rollin' would be perfect.
>         Marc
>         2014/1/16 Wim Jongman <wim.jongman@xxxxxxxxx
>         <mailto:wim.jongman@xxxxxxxxx>>
>                 Unfortunately I was not able provide an implementation
>                 in my JavaFX
>                 port, others are only screaming yes we need it and but
>                 don't do anything
>                 to get this.
>             If we want people to try this out there should be _some_
>             kind of instruction on how to get it going. AFAIK these
>             model elements are not added to the model editor. So if this
>             is the case, how can we expect feedback?
>             Cheers,
>             Wim
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