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Re: [e4-dev] Locale changes at runtime - update

Congratulations. Sounds really good.

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 11:46 AM, Tom Schindl <tom.schindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

First of all a big thank to Dirk for working through this rather complex
topic which has been a lot of work!

What makes me a bit proud is that the archtitecture we have in e4 allows
to implement something like this with justifiable cost - imagine doing this

Now let me elaborate bit what the changes are and how address them. I
guess this should make it easier to understand the patch.

a) The model changes
Until today the localization was done through EOperations (=Methods)
defined in our Ecore model. We have changed that so that those are
volatile, transient, derived, unchangeable EStructuralFeatures who from
an API point of view are identical to the EOperations previously defined
e.g. in MUILabel hence our API is not broken!

The reason we change to EStructuralFeatures is that we can now send out
Notifications about the changes who are then going directly through our

To mark EClasses who hold localizable informations and to inform them
externally about a changed locale we introduced a new Mixin named
Localizable who has a method named updateLocalization().

This allows use the generically search the model for model elements
effected by a locale change and force them sending out updates. There's
a very small potential that this breaks backwards compat if people have
extended our Ecore in a way like this:

MySpecialPart superTypes [*MySuperClass*, Part]

so the generated java code will look like this:

class MySpecialPartImpl extends MySuperClassImpl implements MPart {

I don't really think that we should bother with those who have extended
our ecore because a similar source incompatible change was made with
TrimElement - let me restate the breakage is ONLY for people who
extended our Ecore (and even there those who did it in a sensible way
would not be affected)

b) Local change propagation
The central point to switch the locale is ILocaleChangeService which is
not implemented at the OSGi-Level but through a ContextFunction which is
implemented in ui.workbench.

It allows to switch the locale at the application, as well as the
context level and the implemention does 2 things:
- it will inform *all* model elements of an application who implement
   MLocalization about the change
- posts an event on the event broker

c) Local change consumption:
There are 3 ways one can get informed about a local change:
- Through the event-broker by listening to the topic

- By using DI and make your bean get TranslationService.LOCALE injected
  => the new message system Dirk & me introduced does use this and
     you'll get an update Message-Instance injected!

- Attaching to the model events listening to the LOCALIZED-Features we
  introduced instead of the EOperations from above
  => the renderers have to be modified to listen to the LOCALIZED-

I hope you followed along until this point but I felt you need to get
some background on what Dirk did and why he did it this way.

My plan is to get this in very early in the M5 cycle immediately after
M4 has been declared unless someone speaks up. We have to file a CQ
because of the size of the contribution. I guess I should go ahead with
that once we managed to have consensus if this initial bits are ready to
go in

Like the split editors in the IDE world this has been the most requested
feature in RCP applications I encountered in my past ~10 years of
Eclipse RCP consulting.


On 13.12.13 10:08, Dirk Fauth wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> with the help of Tom regarding the internals of the application model
> and more, I was finally able to add the support for Locale changes at
> runtime to the application model.
> This is the ticket for the enhancement:
> These are the Gerrit changes containing my contribution:
> I added the ILocaleChangeService that can be injected and used to change
> the Locale.
> I removed all getLocalizedXxx() methods in the application model and
> replaced them with corresponding attributes.
> I modified the renderers to listen for the LOCALIZED events.
> I attached an example project to show the new message extension and the
> locale changes at runtime in the application model. I will push this
> example to GitHub if my contribution gets accepted.
> Hope you like it.
> Greez,
> Dirk
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