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Re: [e4-dev] E4 Formal API Part 1: Dependency Injection

Lars, Tom and others, do you have an opinion on the value of enabling clients to use Java 8 syntax here, or in other parts of Eclipse 4 API? 

If possible we should allow Java 8 syntax in Eclipse 4 API. The new function parameters will help to reduce the customer code further which IMHO is one of the big themes of Eclipse 4.

Best regards, Lars

2013/3/6 John Arthorne <John_Arthorne@xxxxxxxxxx>
Brian de Alwis wrote on 03/06/2013 09:32:48 AM:

> The nice thing about the abstract ContextFunction class is being
> able to change/add to method signatures and forward old signatures
> to the new signatures. For example, to expand the compute
> (IEclipseContext) to include the requested context key is easy with
> no API breakage.

Yes I agree it is always going to be a trade-off between flexibility to evolve the API versus ease of use. It's tempting in this case because this "function object" is exactly what lambda expressions are designed for.  It is not a massive improvement, but we do have quite a large number of anonymous subclasses of ContextFunction today. The most common example is a lazy initializer, which would look like this:

                IContextFunction func = (context) -> {
                        if (editorRegistry == null) {
                                editorRegistry = new EditorRegistry();
                        return editorRegistry;
                context.set(IEditorRegistry.class.getName(), func);

> And would changing ICF to be SAM-able work in practice?  The typical
> use would be for use with IEclipseContext.set(String key, Object
> value), where the value is an Object.

It works if you declare the function variable first like the above. If you wanted to inline the entire function we would need to add IEclipseContext.set(String, IContextFunction).

> But as long as we change the ICF method signature before we do this,
> then I'm definitely happy to toss the class and keep only IContextFunction.

What change are you referring to here.. is it to pass in the request key to the ICF.compute method?

I wonder if a middle ground would be to keep both the class and interface, and EclipseContext implementation could downcast ICF to CF if more advanced methods are supported in the future. I.e., enable lambda expressions for the large number of simple cases, but provide a class with more complex capabilities for the rare cases that need it.

> I'm −1 to runAndTrack taking an IContextFunction as RATs don't
> return a value.  Seems like an overload of ICF.  But having a RAT be
> a SAM type could be a good thing.

Fair enough. I remember we had runAndTrack(java.lang.Runnable) in the past, which could be added back to streamline the simple cases. And just to make sure we get our terminology straight, it looks like "SAM Type" is now being called "Functional Interface" (presumably to make it clear abstract classes are not allowed).

Lars, Tom and others, do you have an opinion on the value of enabling clients to use Java 8 syntax here, or in other parts of Eclipse 4 API?


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