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[e4-dev] Localization and extension-point schema definition errors (possible bug)

Not sure if this is something that needs to be looked into or not, but in my E4 dev workspace every extension-point schema definition listed errors to the tune of "Reference element 'X' is not defined" and every localization property (whether in plugin.xml or MANIFEST.MF) stated "Key 'X' is not found in localization properties file".  This was a clean workspace with a new clone of eclipse.platform.ui.

The original workspace with the errors was "C:\dev\Alternate\Eclipse - 4.2.x", when I created a new workspace "C:\dev\Alternate\Eclipse_4.2.x" and imported the eclipse.platform.ui repo (not cloned) all of the errors were resolved.  So the localization and plugin.xml validation do not like having " - " in the workspace path.

In addition, after creating a new sample e4 project using the wizard, when I launch the project (with proper dependencies) I would receive the error:
    !ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2013-01-28 11:18:15.054
    !MESSAGE Error installing bundle: reference:file:../
    !STACK 0
    org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Error converting plugin at C:\dev.
    Caused by: org.eclipse.osgi.service.pluginconversion.PluginConversionException: Could not find a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, plugin.xml or a fragment.xml in C:\dev.
    Root exception:
    org.eclipse.osgi.service.pluginconversion.PluginConversionException: Could not find a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, plugin.xml or a fragment.xml in C:\dev.

Not sure if I was being foolish including " - " in the workspace path when everyone knows this is incorrect or if this is a legitimate bug.

I would be happy to investigate if this is an actual bug.




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