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Re: [e4-dev] Wrong SWT-Dependency

Ok. I filed and
attached a patch.

The alternate solution would be to move this into one of swt-dependent
bundles but IMHO it makes sense the di and use the same code
to sync with the UI-Thread.

One more note on this is that while using Realm looks sane on one hand
side introduces a slight change because under the covers it uses
Display#asyncExec() and the current code used Display#syncExec.

Should rather introduce our own UI-Thread-Syncing abstraction and not
reuse the one from databinding?

Looking at other UI-Toolkits like Swing and Qt they both have matching
concepts (e.g. SwingUtilities.invokeLater/invokeAndWait).


Am 01.03.11 17:47, schrieb Tom Schindl:
> Hi,
> We've no come a long way from getting ui.workbench free from a
> dependency on SWT but it looks like there's still one offending import
> coming in from
> The dependency looks like this:
> org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench => =>
> org.eclipse.swt.
> I think we'll have to make the same fix we did in
> Tom

B e s t S o l u t i o n . a t                        EDV Systemhaus GmbH
tom schindl                                        geschaeftsfuehrer/CEO
eduard-bodem-gasse 5/1    A-6020 innsbruck      phone    ++43 512 935834

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