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Re: [e4-dev] My list of open e4 bugs

Hi Kai -

Some of these bugs are fixed already; and some have been investigated (like the menu bar styling and radial gradients). I will update the listed CSS bugs tomorrow with results/findings and we can figure out which ones to tackle before EclipseCon.


From: "Toedter, Kai" <kai.toedter@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "E4 Project developer mailing list (e4-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx)" <e4-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 02/21/2011 05:13 AM
Subject: [e4-dev] My list of open e4 bugs
Sent by: e4-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi All,
I am currently updating the e4 contacts demo for EclipseCon and I noticed that many e4-related bugs I filed in the last year are still open:
264531 nor P3 Windows Vista e4.swt-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW --- [CSS] Provide css styling for SWT menu bar and table headers
317788 nor P3 Windows 7 e4.swt-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW --- [CSS] CTabRendering: dynamic theme switching does not change all attributes
278381 nor P3 Windows Vista e4.ui-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW --- [CSS] CSS engine does not reset SWT defaults
295886 nor P3 Windows Vista e4.ui-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW --- [CSS] The toolbar is not rendered correctly
318139 nor P3 Windows 7 e4.ui-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW --- [CSS] theme switching opens/closes an empty window
320932 cri P3 All e4.ui-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW --- Can't start Eclipse 4.0 SDK (Early Adopter Release) with proxy authentication
321087 nor P3 Windows 7 e4.ui-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW --- Save, Save All & Print disabled icons look ugly in the toolbar
321988 nor P3 Windows 7 e4.ui-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW --- [CSS] CTabRendering: TabItem background and not stylable
321989 nor P3 Windows 7 e4.ui-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW --- [CSS] CTabRendering: Shadows are not created when switching a theme
322641 nor P3 Windows 7 e4.ui-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW --- [CSS] Cleanup org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt from unnecessary e4 dependencies
322644 nor P3 Windows 7 e4.ui-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW --- [CSS] Add org.eclipse.e4.ui.widgets to the e4.ui.css.psf
280435 nor P3 Windows Vista e4.ui-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx ASSI --- [CSS] Radial gradients for e4 css styling
The bugs I find most important are:
Bug 320932 is critical, it is still in 4.1 M5.
Bug 264531 puts the whole css styling story in question, because you are restricted to styling that fits to the default menu and table headers.
Bug 318139 seems to be Windows-specific, but it is very annoying
Bug 280435 is assigned, but I guess a very big effort…
Could anyone on this list please comment on the above bugs and let me know if there is a chance to fix them until 4.1?
Unfortunately many of the bugs are so (SWT-) internal that I cannot fix them myself.
But I try to provide some comments/patches until EclipseCon…
Best regards,
e4-dev mailing list

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