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[e4-dev] DI and SWT-Event-Thread syncing


Someone commented on my latest blog asking why it is still needed to
sync with the event thread and it would be possible make the
DI-Framework findout such things automagically.

While it think by default this should not happen (one should keep the
asnc-code as small as possible) I'd imaging this could be handy for
certain situations (e.g. when dealing with the EventBroker) to specify
the injection to happen on a special thread.

So code like this:

void eventHandler(@EventTopic("myeventtopic/*") Object data) {
   if( parent.getDisplay().getThread() == Thread.currentThread() ) {
   } else {
     parent.getDisplay().syncExec(new Runnable() {
       public void run() {

private void _eventHandler(Object data) {
   // ....

Could be written like this:
void eventHandler(@EventTopic("myeventtopic/*") Object data) {
   // ...

My question now is would something like this be possible at all?

Naturally this brings up another question. Do we expect changes to the
IEclipseContext only happen in a special thread, else in the worst case
we'll have to guard all our code which deals with UI with a check like


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