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[e4-dev] [releng] [ui] [xwt] build submission

tagged v20100707-1900

The map file has been updated for the following Bug changes:
+ Bug 318498. Many toolbars on top of one another (FIXED)
+ Bug 318850. 'Navigate' menu has two separators in a row (FIXED)
+ Bug 319061. StackRenderer's showTab(MUIElement) method is invoked
twice when showing a part (FIXED)
+ Bug 319169. [UI] active parts in Detached windows prevent activating
a part in the main window (FIXED)
+ Bug 319173. [UI] Resizing feedback stops working (NEW)
+ Bug 319182. [Compatibility] calling removeGui on menuBar causes
TrimmedPartLayout.layout(*) exception (NEW)

The following projects have changed:

The map file has been updated for the following Bug changes:
+ Bug 312900. [Compatibility] Heap status not drawn on workbench startup (FIXED)
+ Bug 318715. Toolbar button ordering unpredictable/broken (NEW)
+ Bug 319115. [Compatibility] Double Ctrl+O is not working (FIXED)
+ Bug 319161. [Compatibility] setFocus() called twice when invoking
IWorkbenchPage's activate(IWorkbenchPart) method (FIXED)
+ Bug 319163. [Compatibility] No icon for Pin Editors (FIXED)

The following projects have changed:

Paul Webster
Hi floor.  Make me a sammich! - GIR

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