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[e4-dev] CSS Styling State + Roadmap

Hi All,


Since I have a bit more time now, I am planning to work on the e4 contacts demo again. Since I am often asked about the e4 CSS state/roadmap, I would like to get an idea what’s planned and if there are areas where I could contribute (besides the e4 contacts demo). Please don’t understand this mail as a critique, I know that everybody is working as hard as possible on e4.


Here is a screenshot of the current e4 contacts demo. I have highlighted areas “with room for improvements” with different colors:




Orange and Green: Bug

    [CSS] Provide css styling for SWT menu bar and table headers


Blue: Bug

    [CSS] The toolbar is not rendered correctly


Pink: Bug

   [ContatcsDemo] Selection-Background should change with the theme


Yellow: Bug

    [CSS] Radial gradients for e4 css styling


These are just a few examples, if you search for “css” in the e4 bugzilla, there are currently 171 bugs…


Is there a chance that some of the above things get fixed until the first Eclipse 4.0 release?

Since not all of the above bugs are assigned, who are the persons I should contact?


Best regards,






Kai Tödter


Siemens AG

Corporate Technology

System Architecture & Platforms


Otto-Hahn-Ring 6

81739 Munich, Germany

Phone: +49 89 636-41064

Fax: +49 89 636-45450

mailto: kai.toedter@xxxxxxxxxxx



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