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[e4-dev] [releng] e4 M5 week and builds, plugin changes, etc

Hi everybody,

This week is our M5 week.  I've scheduled a build every night this
week at 21:00 EDT.  Please pick up the e4 SDK regularly so you can
make sure your changes are in there as the week progresses.

Don't forget each team must release its changes to the build.  I'll
continue to do org.eclipse.e4.ui.releng,
org.eclipse.e4.runtime.releng, org.eclipse.e4.server.releng.

We're also changing the configuration of the contexts and dependency
injection plugins, hopefully for tonight's build.  I've scheduled a
build to run today at 13:00 EDT to capture the state of the e4 SDK
before we make the DI changes.


Paul Webster
Hi floor.  Make me a sammich! - GIR

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