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Re: [e4-dev] Unique Id generation Proposal

Hi Scott,

is there an unique ID creation available for a given namespace with the guarantee to get the same ID again from a new run ?



Am 11.03.10 20:01, schrieb Scott Lewis:
Hi All,

Just case it's useful for this effort...

ECF core has an ID interface/service and extensible unique ID creation (i.e. you can create your own Namespace and guarantee uniqueness within that Namespace).  We also have support for GUID/sha1-based identifiers, URI-based IDs, String and long-based IDs as well.

It sounds like it could be helpful here...I've thought this several times whether an identifier is within process or out of process (what we use IDs for general), it can be useful to have explicit guarantees of uniqueness within a namespace (which, of course, you don't get with String, URI, etc).
It's in ECF core, which is distributed with Eclipse platform (via p2).  Specifically, org.eclipse.ecf.identity bundle, org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity package.

Hopefully this helps with your e4's use case here.  If there are questions about extension, usage, etc., please let me know.


Remy Suen wrote:

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 8:21 AM, Boris Bokowski <Boris_Bokowski@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Also I don't think the IDs have to be globally unique, they just have to be unique within the resource. Which means we could also have:
> Command-1
> Command-2
> Handler-1
> Handler-2
> Handler-3

Yes, this is true. I have reservations about merging here but can't quite put my finger on it at the moment.


Remy Suen
Eclipse Platform/UI Committer
IBM Ottawa


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