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[e4-dev] More Model Question and Proposals


While working on my Model Editor I'm going through the model and there
are question poping up. I'll try to summerize the current question and
doubts I have:

* Model-Contributions:
Currently I found two problems where the current model is probably
having problems with because it expects the EMF-Object-Instance
available at design time.

The 2 areas are:
* Contributed Handlers who want to use commands
* Contributed Perspectives you want to use existing PartStacks, Parts,

but probably there are more. I guess we need to find a common way to
deal with this.

* WindowTrim as a PSCElement:
WindowTrim is an PSCElement so that it can get part of the
Window#children-List but this also makes it useable at places the model
should protect it's usage. I think Window should have an
windowTrims-Attribute to store the trim instead of holding them inside
the children-List.

Another probably interesting question is whether one could have multiple
WindowTrim(s) with the same SideValue else one could store them in 4
trim-Attributes (left,right,top,bottom) but this is less important than
getting the trim out of the children-List.

* BindingContainer:
I think the nameing things like HandlerContainer/Handler is better than
the BindingContainer/KeyBinding and suggest to do a minor renaming to

* KeySequence:
Why is KeySequence an EClass on itsown when only KeyBinding uses it as
its superclass. Is there a reason for this, do we expect other Types to
inherit from there, else we should probably merge the attribute from
there into KeyBinding and remove the KeySequence-Type.


B e s t S o l u t i o n . a t                        EDV Systemhaus GmbH
tom schindl                                        geschaeftsfuehrer/CEO
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