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Re: [e4-dev] New Demo Extension / IP Questions

I have entered a bug to track our duplicate copies of this:

It's not the end of the world to have a bit of copied code if it helps keep our dependencies cleanly separated, but we should keep track of this and consolidate the copies into one place if it makes sense.

Tom Schindl <tom.schindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: e4-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

02/17/2010 01:01 PM

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E4 Project developer mailing list <e4-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [e4-dev] New Demo Extension / IP Questions


I've withdrawn the CQ because we already have a JSON-Parser already 2
twice! in e4 (and now a 3rd time!).

The completely same version is in:
* org.eclipse.e4.pde.webui (where it is an internal helper)
* org.eclipse.e4.languages._javascript_ (where it is API)

I don't think that this makes a lot of sense but c&p now removes my
dependency on a 3rd party library.


Am 17.02.10 17:46, schrieb Mike Wilson:
> Hard to tell from the CQ: Is this just a new version?
> McQ.
> Inactive hide details for Tom Schindl ---2010/02/17 10:40:58---CQ-File:
> Schindl
> ---2010/02/17 10:40:58---CQ-File:
> From:                
> Tom Schindl <tom.schindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To:                
> E4 Project developer mailing list <e4-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date:                
> 2010/02/17 10:40
> Subject:                
> Re: [e4-dev] New Demo Extension / IP Questions
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> CQ-File:
> John or McQ can you please approve it?
> Tom
> Am 16.02.10 13:30, schrieb Paul Webster:
>> On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 4:22 AM, Tom Schindl
>> <tom.schindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> I checked in the 3 bundles to CVS but have some questions regarding IP:
>>> * FamFam Icon set is approved for e4 [CQ 3625] so I can simply use them
>>>  and only add an entry in the about.html, right?
>> This someone else will need to answer.
>>> * I'm using code from ECF which has been approved in CQ 3453 (don't
>>>  know why this is not in Orbit because CQ 3603 approved it)
>>>  * Do we need to file a CQ ourselves stating that we want to reuse
>>>    the code
>>>  * Do we simply consume ECF (or preferably Orbit) and don't have to?
>> We'll need a piggyback CQ, I think (similar to 3603) so that e4 can
>> consume it.  Then we'll need it in Orbit (I've sent an email to the
>> people involved).
>> Later,
>> PW
> --
> B e s t S o l u t i o n . a t                        EDV Systemhaus GmbH
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> tom schindl                                        geschaeftsfuehrer/CEO
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> eduard-bodem-gasse 5/1    A-6020 innsbruck      phone    ++43 512 935834
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B e s t S o l u t i o n . a t                        EDV Systemhaus GmbH
tom schindl                                        geschaeftsfuehrer/CEO
eduard-bodem-gasse 5/1    A-6020 innsbruck      phone    ++43 512 935834
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