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Re: [e4-dev] Does that mean SWT only exist in desktop ?

Thanks Tom, QxWT looks great. Does it leverage SWT skills ? :-P 

But the table widget looks a bit slow if compare to SmartGWT...  
Any plan to support masked input ? I found out PrimeFaces and SmartGWT supported that. That great....

Thanks again

On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 8:01 AM, Ivan Ooi <olibralo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm not sure any body still remember this slide, ha! I accidentally found this in my drive when doing cleaning. 

Is a slide by Silenio Quarti and Steve Northover about future of SWT. It look like UFaceKit heading to that direction.. 

It look like RWT are xwindow like kind of design. round trip between client and server. 
This look like similar to Echo framework 1st version and they changed that in version2, some things similar to GWT. you can write your logic in Java and compile that to js or in pure js.  

XWT are not SWT and that for sure as we can't leverage Java skills or I should said SWT skills..
but quite complete, including designer. that really a wow. Great!


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 7:12 AM, Ivan Ooi <olibralo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

   Thanks for your reply. It looks great. However I found out the speed of grid are a bit slow compare to SmartGWT.
Can we write client logic in Java and let the compiler translate that to _javascript_ ? some things like GWT.

   j2s looks good as well. only the UI looks a bit Win9x.


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 1:34 AM, Rüdiger Herrmann <rherrmann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 09.02.2010 00:37, Ivan Ooi wrote:

  Thanks for the reply. sorry about that. Ya, RAP are filling the gape
for this area. Sorry, I forgot about RAP project. This is great....
About RAP, Can I simply use RWT instead of RCP ? Sorry for my stupid
Put simply, you can use RWT instead of SWT and (with some limitations) let the RCP/e4 workbench run on top of it.
See here for a more detailed introduction to RAP:

Thanks again! Good to hear that SWT now exist in Web platform as well.
Best is it use back Java language.

Oh ya! can I use Java in RWT client side for logic ?

Thanks and Best Regards,

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 2:28 AM, Benjamin Muskalla
<bmuskalla@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:bmuskalla@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:


   as Lars already pointed out, the RAP project already allows you to
   single-source your existing code to bring your RCP application to
   the web (see <> ). The

   problems Tom mentioned are real, but only some of them. Eg. the
   event-loop is part of RAP for several releases and has proven to
   work efficiently in a server-centric environment. Operating system
   resources are available too (eg. Fonts, Cursors, etc). The only
   missing part is a proper GC implementation which heavily relies on
   the capabilities of modern browsers but depending on your task at
   hand you could use the RAP theming to customize the look and feel of
   the application (eg. roundend corners or gradients).

   Hope that helps,

   Ivan Ooi wrote:


          But.... we can't port our existing code over :-( at least in
       certain percentage or degree .. :-(

       On Sat, Feb 6, 2010 at 7:33 AM, <yves.yang@xxxxxxxxxxx
       <mailto:yves.yang@xxxxxxxxxxx> <mailto:yves.yang@xxxxxxxxxxx

       <mailto:yves.yang@xxxxxxxxxxx>>> wrote:

        > On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 2:16 PM, Tom Schindl
        > <tom.schindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:tom.schindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

        >> Hi,
        >> Doing a full SWT-Port for the Web is a very hard task because
           some of
        >> the concepts in SWT can't be emulated easily on the browser:
        >> * Event-Loop: Todays browser though HTML5 brings webworkers are
        >>  single threaded and so you can't e.g open blocking dialogs
       like you
        >>  do in SWT => SWT would have to introduce API with callbacks so
        >>  that one could write single-source code.
        >>  An example might make this clear:
        >>  Today:
        >>  ----------8<----------
        >>  MessageBox msg = new MessageBox(parent,SWT.ICON_ERROR);
        >>  msg.setText("I'm the message");
        >>;  // Blocking call
        >>  System.out.println("I'm running after dialog closed");
        >>  ----------8<----------
        >>  In Future:
        >>  ----------8<----------
        >>  MessageBox msg = new MessageBox(parent,SWT.ICON_ERROR);
        >>  msg.setText("I'm the message");
        >> Runnable() {
        >>    public void run() {
        >>      System.out.println("I'm running after dialog closed");
        >>    }
        >>  });

           It is exactly one of benefice of using XWT: physical
       separation between
           event handling and UI. XWT can manage the both cases
           We can
           define the event handling policy (sync, async and delayed
       async) between
           declarative UI and event handling based on Java Handling, Bundle
           web service etc.


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