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[e4-dev] RE: [wtp-pmc] Proposal for JSDT as a project

The phrase “...the _javascript_ debugging support currently being developed within the e4 Project...” caught my eye.


IMHO, e4 needs a “killer app” in the way that JDT was for the original Eclipse versions. I’ve hold little hope that the JDT project in its current form could fill that role.


Is a native e4 implementation (e.g. one not relying upon the 3.x compatibility platform) of these _javascript_ tools within the scope of this project? Is aligning the release schedule of this project with e4 part of the plan?


I would also note that this project lacks diversity. All of the committers are from IBM. Who else wants to step up to participate? Can we please (pretty please!) endeavour to create more diversity on this project before it is formally created?




From: wtp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wtp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Nitin Dahyabhai
Sent: November-23-09 1:46 PM
To: wtp-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [wtp-pmc] Proposal for JSDT as a project


I'd like to propose a _javascript_ Development Tools project, based largely on the _javascript_ Development Tools component in Source Editing.  The proposal is in the attached zip and details some of the reasoning behind the idea, and how the plan is to still have it be part of our 3.2 Release.  I'd like the PMC's review and approval before forwarding it to the EMO.

Nitin Dahyabhai
Eclipse WTP Source Editing
IBM Rational

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