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Re: [e4-dev] CSS to SWT mapping

Hi Sven,

At first you write

Text {
  background :  #FF0000;

and not

Text {
  back-ground :  #FF0000;

but I understand your idea. When I have started to create CSS engine I have though about your idea, but i have decided to to follow W3C CSS, because :

* W3C CSS is knowed by a lot of WEB developer.
* you can download style sheet into Internet and apply it to your SWT widgets (if you use HTML mappings).
* originally CSS engine can works with any renderkit (SWT, Swing....) and you can write the same CSS stylesheet for different renderkit.

backround CSS property is a composite CSS properties and you can put several backround-* information (backround-color, backround-image...) into the background CSS property.

For tooling, I agree with you, I would like refactor (I must see with the resposable of E4 CSS engine before) to have PropertySource to use it for instance into Eclipse Property Sheet View.

Regards Angelo

2009/11/23 Sven Efftinge <sven.efftinge@xxxxxxxxx>

I just had a look at the CSS part in e4 and came across the mapping between CSS and SWT (
I'd like to suggest to remove that indirection. If we instead had a general function to map between CSS properties and the corresponding setters in the widgets (e.g. foo <-> setFoo) , it would be much easier for users to see what's configurable, just by looking at the widget class. Also the properties would become available from the CSS-language as soon as I introduce a setter method.
In addition we could implement tooling providing content assist, compile checks, navigation and rename refactoring.

This would basically result in writing :
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*

Text {
  background :  #FF0000; //because it's Text.setBackground(Color)

instead of :

Text {
  back-ground :  #FF0000;

What do you think?


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