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Re: [e4-dev] Some random thoughts after browsing the e4 code base

Hi Phil,

Thanks for the feedback.  I see Jeff already started a thread on #1, let me answer a few others:

> 2. Why are you still using Require-Bundle in almost every bundle when a
> I-P would do just fine? And then the CSS core bundle is requiring the
> batik bundle which it does not use one class from, does it?

In the CSS case, we do actually reference one of the classes but through reflection.  The use of reflection is legacy issue wrt. the way the code was structured in its previous project (TK-UI), allowing a number of different engines to be pluged in, but TK-UI was not OSGi based.  

WRT Require-Bundle vs. I-P, I tend to use Require-Bundle, well to be honest, because that's what we always do. I've seen some of the pro/con discussions, this is something definitely worth discussing post 0.9 as a general e4 architectural decision.

> 3. The CSS bundles are too tightly coupled with each other. As far as I
> understand the concept, there are handlers for CSS elements. Couldn't
> those handlers and other components that make up a CSS engine
> implementation be contributed by extensions?

Absolutely agree!  See bug 263785.
Again, this is a side effect of the CSS origins being non OSGi based.  There has been discussion over the need to maintain a non-OSGi version which has complicated things.  But this is a high priority item for post 0.9.

> 4. What is the use of OSGi services in e4? So far I have seen there is
> an IEclipseContext which allows you to fetch services like the old
> IServiceLocator in 3.x does. What about putting more services directly
> into OSGi (that are not local to any part of the workbench)? I would put
> my declarative services to more use depending on the workbench services
> available. For instance, now in 3.5 I export the IWorkbench as a service
> myself and have my other services consume it. Similar to the
> ISelectionService, IProgressService and others.

The long term goal is to eliminate global access to workbench facilities (as you listed, things like selection).  We do this via the IEclipseContext, providing encapsulation so that parts can be reused in new ways (e.g. multi user shared server workspace).  These can be OSGi service based but don't need to be. There is no plan to, for example, make everything you get from the context be an OSGi service.

I'm not sure if that answered your question.

> 5. I actually like the idea of being able to define the layout of RCP
> applications. Currently I have gone through great pain to have a custom
> view on top of each perspective that you can not close/move or whatever.
> It provides a kind of "startbar" with custom gradient background. See here:

Yes!  We think this is very important as well, one of the driving design points.

> Please understand my points not as criticism purely, I am sure for a lot
> of things there are good reasons just unknown to me.

All feedback and discussion welcome!

> Said that, I am more than willing to contribute to e4 if possible after
> I got more insight on the processes going on.

Well there's lots to do.  If you indicated an area of interest we could discuss more concretely possible ways to contribute.


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