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Re: [e4-dev] CSS now supports gradients

WebKit now supports gradients as well:

Some of the WebKit devs are also w3c css standards authors, so if you had to bet on a syntax that will likely be standard some day ....

On May 27, 2009, at 7:49 PM, Kevin McGuire wrote:

The CSS support now supports gradients (yeah!).
For CTabFolder, it uses the CTabFolder specific gradient support.
For other widgets, it draws the gradient.

A few notes:

1) The original TK-UI project favors the syntax:
        background-color: gradient,

But the CSS support is quite happy to not need the word "gradient" and to not need the commas. The syntax above does work too though. TBD.

2) It's legal to not specify any percents for the gradient ranges, in which case default ranges are calculated based on equidistance between the colors.

Patrick Mueller -

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