Thank a lot Yves for your link. I start understand the XAML behaviour. I have several questions about eXAML:
1. is it possible to set sample code wich load the XAML file? The XAML loader return the root of SWT Component created or the DOM Document? After how can we access into Java to a particulary widget (like document.getElementById(....))? (I suppose with attribute name, but could you give me a sample please?)
2. Data Binding
You give this sample
<Label text="{binding path=Name}"/>
but what about source? I suppose we can have
<Label text="{binding source=p path=Name}"/>
but how do you register the instance person with key=p?
Do you support Converter (UpdataValueStrategy of JFace Databinding) ?
Could you use XPath _expression_ into the binding _expression_?
3. Event
Is it possible to manage event with _javascript_ like HTML or XUL :
<Button text="Click Me!" SelectionEvent="js:onClick()">
At end I find your implementation is very interesting for SWT developer. But I found it's complex for another developer which don't know SWT. I'm sorry with my
Akrogen but this plugin which use XUL give the capability to write Eclipse wizard to generate any code and none knowledge about SWT is required. In IMHO I found it's more easy to use XUL box or HTML table layout than use layout and layoutdata.
Regards Angelo