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[dtp-pmc] Re: [dtp-dev] DTP 1.6 PDE-based builds available for testing

Xiaoying, I would also like to thank you for taking on this important role for DTP. Kudos to you!

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          03/05/2008 08:57 AM

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[dtp-dev] DTP 1.6 PDE-based builds available for testing

Continuing the build transition, the DTP 1.6 3/5 nightly build available
now on the download site has been created using the new build process. I
have completed a reasonable set of smoke tests, and everything worked as
expected. I'd like to ask the DTP community to test this build to determine
if there are any bugs due to the build transition itself. (That is, bugs
that would appear regardless of build process are still interesting and
still should be logged, but the main point here is to make sure we have a
functionally equivalent build in place. I believe that we do.)

Barring any reason compelling a return to the old build process, from now
on the DTP builds will be produced using the new process by Xiaoying and
her team. Finally, for the rest of this week, we will shadow the builds
using the old zip file naming format to allow adopters depending on that
format to switch over.

I'd like to take a moment to thank Xiaoying for assuming responsibility for
DTP builds and her hard work to date in getting the process up and running.

John Graham
Eclipse Data Tools Platform PMC Chair
Staff Software Engineer, Sybase, Inc.

dtp-dev mailing list

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