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[dtp-dev] Building DTP

I'm stuck.

We would like to get a bug in DTP fixed and thought the best way to get
that done is to code the fix, build DTP, install the fixed DTP in
Eclipse to test it, then post a patch to the Bugzilla.

I can't find clear instructions on what needs to be checked out from
CVS, what versions of Java, Ant, Eclipse, etc. need to be installed to
perform the build.

I found the old "How to Build DTP 0.7" in the Wiki and attempts to get
the build done using those instructions are thwarted by a build.xml not
including the org.eclipse.equinox jars in its bootclasspath, then the's build.xml tries to run the non-existent build.xml
in the org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity plug-in.

I'm clearly on the wrong track.

Can anybody point us to the instructions on how to get DTP built?

--Charles Eutsler
Teradata Corp.

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