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Re: [dtp-dev] Proposed API Change - JDBC Catalog Loader Helpers

> I'd like to make a potentially breaking API change to some of the JDBC
> catalog loader helper classes.  (Note, these API are currently
> "provisional.")
> I'd like to modify the factory interfaces used by JDBCTableLoader,
> JDBCRoutineLoader and JDBCUserDefinedTypeLoader.  I'd like to add an
> initialize() method to each of these.
> Because the loaders have been modified to reuse any existing objects,
> is a chance that some of those objects' properties will not get updated.
> For most objects, this is pretty much limited to the description
> but the default UDT loader does set the base type during load.
> loaders may initialize other properties on the objects they are loading.
> Any objections, comments, concerns?

I'd like to add that I've also made some breaking changes
JDBCProcedureColumnLoader and JDBCUDFColumnLoader.  I've split the loading
logic for parameters and result tables apart (these were joined initially).
This required replacing the createResultSet() method with
createParametersResultSet() and createRoutineResultTableResultSet()
methods.  These changes also migrated into the JDBCProcedure and
JDBCUserDefinedFunction implementations.  These changes should make it
easier to add customized result table logic into the default loaders.

I've created a BZ entry and attached a patch file with all the changes
(including migrating any existing catalog loader extensions that may have
been impacted by this change).  Here's the link:

I'd like to commit these changes early next week.

Thanks in advance,
Rob Cernich
DTP Connectivity Project Lead

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