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[dtp-dev] DTP 1.0 doc topic list (table of contents) ready for review

Hi all,

Attached you'll find the proposed table of contents for DTP 1.0 online documentation.
I've opened bug 163398 to collect your feedback.

Please provide feedback by end of business, Wednesday, November 8.

Please note the following:

1) This is the proposed doc set for 1.0, which does not include all DTP 1.0 features.
If you or your organization would like to provide documentation content for missing
features, please contact me. I'll be documenting the procedure for contributing
documentation in the form of an Eclipse plugin...shortly.

2) The TOC is color coded. Topics in black text will be contributed by Sybase;
topics in blue text come from WTP; topics in fuschia text we are hoping will
be contributed by the community/IBM.

Thanks in advance for you time and input,

Emily R. Kapner, Technical Writer
DTP Documentation Lead

Attachment: DTP_outline_v1.pdf
Description: Binary data

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