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Re: [dtp-dev] Reminder: DTP 1.0 M3 build tomorrow

Hi John

I should have raised this earlier; but only now noticed that this bug (158092) is not picked for 1.0 release.
This is a feature-stopper for executing Oracle UDF.


On 27/10/2006, at 2:41 AM, jograham@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Just a reminder that the DTP 1.0M3 build is scheduled for tomorrow, 10/ 27. For planning purposes, committers should view midnight tonight (PST) as the build cut-off time, and that the M3 candidate build will occur first thing tomorrow morning. Once this candidate build is complete, I will post it to the usual "drops" folder and I ask that everyone plan some time tomorrow to test it. If issues of sufficient severity (as recommended by a bug reporter
and approved by a PMC vote) are uncovered, we'll respin the build. We
probably can get at most two respins tomorrow (of course, depending on the
time the bugs are found) before we'd have to delay M3 declaration. If
everything goes well, I will promote the M3 candidate to M3 status at 5EST
and update the site accordingly.

Committers: Please be sure to clear M3 (and still some M2!) bugs as

1. There are _still_ 4 bugs open against M2: 3 in Connectivity and 1 in SQL Dev. We really need to update these bugs -- are they fixed already? Should they have been deferred to a later milestone? Did we just forget
about them, as they slipped through the cracks?

2. There are 6 bugs open against M3: 4 in Connectivity, 1 in Model Base,
and 1 in SQL Dev.

I'd like to run the M2 and M3 queries tomorrow morning, and get back
"zaroo" for each.

John Graham
Eclipse Data Tools Platform PMC Chair
Staff Software Engineer, Sybase, Inc.

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