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Re: [dtp-dev] programmatically adding to "Default Schema Filter"

Hey Anthos,

> I was wondering on is there a way I can add filters, programmatically or
> via org.eclipse.ui.propertyPages extension point, to  "Default Schema
> Filter" on a Database connection property.

The filters are stored as a property on the connection profile.  You should
be able to set filters on your profile using the following:

   // get the existing filter settings
   Properties filterProps =

   // create your schema filter
   String defaultSchemaFilterPredicate = "NOT LIKE 'SYS%'";

   // add the filter to the property set

   // update the connection profile

Note, the filtering code is rather particular about the format of the
predicate.  The best I can offer is to suggest looking at
ConnectionFilterImpl to make sure your predicate string will work with it.

The filter properties are stored using the following key format:
   ConnectionFilter.*_FILTER ~ default filter key

   [containerName::]+Connection.*_FILTER ~ filter key for particular
   container (e.g. catalog_1::TABLE_FILTER would be the table filter used
   when loading tables for all schema in catalog_1;
   catalog_1::schema_a::TABLE_FILTER would be the table filter used when
   loading tables for schema_a in catalog_1).

Hope that helps,

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