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[dtp-dev] RE: New ODA Feature Proposal on Wiki site

Title: RE: New ODA Feature Proposal on Wiki site

Delivered the new ODA feature in the RC3 build milestone, as approved by PMC.


     -----Original Message-----
    From:   Linda Chan 
    Sent:   Thursday, May 04, 2006 4:45 PM
    To:     dtp-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx
    Cc:     dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
    Subject:        New ODA Feature Proposal on Wiki site

    I have added the proposal for a new ODA feature, for PMC consideration to include in the Callisto release.

    Extend ODA run-time capability to use externalized data source connection info. Bugzilla 137359 <>

    • Requirements: Allow an ODA consumer application, such as J2EE application, to extend the ODA consumer framework to provide application-specific service to obtain configurable, externalized property values, for use by an ODA driver to connect to a data source.
    • Development Estimate: 2-3 days
    • Possible Start Date: May 8
    • API Impacts: New provisional extension point and Java interface (additive)
    • UI Impacts: None.
    • Can Complete by RC3 milestone.


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